91 thoughts on “Dubshed 2012

  1. Here in the US, people who own BMW’s, Mercs, Audi’s and VW’s sometimes get Euro plates for the front of their cars. I saw a VW Rabbit the other day with a Euro plate that read “DAS BUNNY”. I thought that was clever!

  2. Pingback: Adam Mcateer – Dubshed 2012 | Murray Crundwell

  3. Great set! That wire tuck on the orange and blue VW was done really nice. And naturally all the pictures are great shots. Excellent job capturing these cars. I think you got the best angles for each vehicle

    • Me too, I want one that has all the extras, they put kitchen tables and stuff in them. Give me one, and I’ll drive to the beach in California, and just be homeless the rest of my life 🙂

  4. Pingback: MOIST | MonkeyBait

  5. Pingback: I am going bonkers. | rough around my edges

  6. Ahh memories…my friend Todd had the bus with the pop-top-camper…I have swwet memories as a passenger in it…the bus was is main mode of transportation aside from his UPS truck…thanks for posting

  7. Pingback: EPIC | MonkeyBait

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